Sunday, December 25, 2016

Xmas Holidays With Mum & Dad - Dec16

Mum and Dad are staying with us for a couple of weeks. Time flies as it has been four years since I had Xmas with them.

They are enjoying catching up with us (plus having the warm Brisbane climate) and they also are having plenty of time with their grandson Jonathan.

Below are pictures from the last couple of days. The latter ones were taken with my studio lighting set up plus the black back drop.

Finally Jenn and I took pictures of the dogs which included me trying to get shots of them catching treats (copying another photographer). These are very tricky to execute, but learnt one or two things!

Merry Xmas and all the best for 2017 everyone!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Jonathan's 3rd Birthday Party - Nov16

Our young lad turns three on Monday so today it was party time! Looking back on his previous two birthdays, it is amazing how much he has changed and developed.

As well as close friends of ours in attendance, his Grandma (June) and Aunty Jacquie arrived from NSW and his Uncle Chris and Aunty Jacinta arrived from VIC last night so we had excellent company to celebrate his birthday.

Enjoy the photos have Happy 3rd Birthday to our lovely son.