Friday, October 11, 2013

f365: Day 284

Don't be alarmed about today's shot since as it turns out, all is ok with me. But being a daily photo blog, having a general anaesthetic and an operation became the focus of my day today, and day 284 of the year.

Now for all the squeamish types, stop reading...

Rewind the clock back three weeks ago. If you've been following my blog, you may remember we hired commercial sanders to sand the floor boards. Turns out I may have overdid it somewhat as the next day when I went to the toilet for number ones, but rather than it being a yellow colour, it was pure blood.

Panic set in and Jenn rushed me to Wesley's Hospital's Emergency Department. I had a lot of tests done that day (including a CT scan to check my kidneys and bladder) but luckily everything looked ok.

I saw a urologist a week later and he advised that I have day surgery and a "cystoscopy and a right retrograde pyelogram" examination to be completely sure my internals were ok.

So I spent the day in hospital today, unconscious for an hour while they checked out my bladder for anything untoward (basically they need to check for tumours).

Good news - all is clear! It turns out the strain of using the equipment caused an internal capillary rupture in my bladder (which healed quickly) - this evidently can happen to long distance runners. But best be safe than sorry!

So my advice now is to drink lots of water and keep the pipes flowing. Currently it is not a pleasant experience (as the pipes are "tender"), but things should improve tomorrow.

Anyway, here is a self portrait I snapped of myself just after I came out of my intravenously induced sleep. At that point I hadn't eaten since about 8pm the previous night so was ravenously hungry.

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