Saturday, October 22, 2016

Bamboo Growth Update - Oct16

I did a post last August not long after we'd planted much of our clumping bamboo. Here is a link:

14 months later and it has changed drastically. I did some photos today just before the main start of the culm growing season which happens in the warmer months.

In all cases I have re-posted before and after pictures to see the changes.

The vegetation and culms that have appeared since last August mostly happened during summer, although in recent months there has been a lot of leaf growth.

Anyway, enjoy the shots.

(Below): The original 5 Gracilis last year:

(Below): The same Gracilis, 14 months later:

(Below): The three Gracilis we have on the other side of the property last year:

(Below): And now:

(Below): We planted 10 Gold Stripe bamboo down the side of the house - last year's shot:

(Below): Fast forward 14 months:

(Below): View of the Tiger Stripes, Barbellettas, White Ghost, New Guinea Green and Java Black plants last year (these are all on the shadier North Side):

(Below): And now. All of these plants have grown and thickened up considerably!:

(Below): Some of the Gracilis at the back, 14 months ago:

(Below): And now:

(Below): The Java Black last year (which looked very spindly):

(Below): What a difference 14 months makes!:

(Below): In the corner we have planted a Giant Buddha Belly - this has a very wide base and is very distinctive. It is one of the slower growing bamboos though (only one culm was produced last growing season), but it has really thickened up. Anyway, how it was last year:

(Below): The same plant 14 months later:

(Below): The China Gold before shot:

(Below): And after shot (this is probably the bushiest plant):

(Below): Probably my favourite plant, the Chungii which is a "blue" bamboo and has the sunniest part of our property in the far SE corner. Here is what it looked like just days after planting last year:

(Below): This plant has had exceptional growth and quite impressive as well. Check it out now (over 5 metres high):

(Below): Along the south side we have three plants - two Timor Blacks and in the centre an Oldhamii (this one will probably be our tallest plant). They are in a good sunny spot here. Anyway, last year's shot:

(Below): And today's shot:

(Below): A couple of shots from the balcony taken today, of the north side plants (e.g. the Tiger Stripes and Java Black) and the 5 Gracilis at the back of the property:

(Below): Our bamboo is not the only thing that has been growing. To end on a cute note, shots of Jonathan 14 months ago and now!

Last year (he was around 21 months of age, not quite 2):

And today:

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Melbourne Half Marathon Trip - Oct16

We all went down to Melbourne for a long weekend - the main reasons were for me to run the Melbourne Half Marathon, plus spend time with Chris and Jacinta (my brother-in-law and sister-in-law).

We find Melbourne a very walkable and photogenic city. Much of our focus was on the street art adorning the brick walls around much of the city.

We also went to the Melbourne Zoo which was very enjoyable and well priced!

Anyway, below is a selection of shots from the holiday. I generally also find short break times a good time to take more shots of Jonathan.